
Stump Removal: Effective Techniques for Denver Homeowners

americanarbor October 30, 2024
When a tree falls or is removed, oftentimes, a stump is left behind. There are plenty of reasons to want a stump removed from your property, but most homeowners don’t have the tools or knowledge to do it themselves. In most cases, we recommend a professional to handle your stump removal project. That way, you […]

Mulching: Organic Techniques for Denver Landscapes

americanarbor November 6, 2024
Organic Mulching Techniques for Denver Landscapes Mulching is a landscaping technique that uses organic or inorganic materials to cover the areas around a tree or plant’s base. There are a number of different reasons to do this, and the materials you choose can greatly benefit the soil.  Here, in the Denver area, we experience a […]

The 8 Best Drought-Tolerant Trees for Denver Landscapes

americanarbor November 6, 2024
There are thousands of different species of trees, and they don’t all thrive in every climate. Over time, certain trees adapt to certain climates, where they grow and thrive. To understand what trees grow best in Denver, it’s important to understand the region’s climate and typical weather conditions. Let’s look at the 8 best drought-tolerant […]

Creating an Effective Lawn Care Schedule for Your Denver Landscape

americanarbor November 15, 2024
Do you want to have the greenest, thickest lawn in the neighborhood? Most homeowners think that in order to get a lush lawn, they have to put in hours of labor each week and spend hundreds of dollars on supplies. Luckily, with a little consistent effort, your lawn can be the envy of the neighborhood. […]

Aphids and Spider Mites: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them

americanarbor February 23, 2023
What are aphids and spider mites and what do they do? Aphids and spider mites are very different pests, but they share some similarities. Aside from being very tiny and very destructive, they’re very different in terms of identifying characteristics and the type of damage they cause. Aphids are very tiny bugs that feed off […]

Denver Tree Care Encyclopedia: Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry

americanarbor February 23, 2023
What Does an Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry Look Like? The Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry is a showstopper year-round, and it unveils a new surprise every season. In the spring, beautiful pink buds bloom to reveal delicate white flowers that cover the bare branches of the tree. Butterflies and other pollinators are especially attracted to these blooms.  As […]

Winter Watering Plants in Denver

americanarbor January 12, 2023
Denver winters are known for being very cold, and most plants have adapted to snowy conditions. Although the temperatures typically remain below freezing from late fall to early spring, it’s not uncommon for the area to experience warm, dry periods as well. Although warm and sunny temps may feel fantastic, they can lead to winter […]

Denver Tree Care Encyclopedia: Eastern Redbuds

americanarbor December 22, 2022
What Does an Eastern Redbud Look Like? Each spring, Eastern redbud trees burst with beautiful pinkish-purple flowers, followed by the growth of lovely reddish leaves. As spring turns into summer, the heart-shaped leaves slowly turn green, transforming into a bright yellow by autumn. The Eastern redbud is a small tree that has low branches, and […]

Should You Plant Aspen Trees in Denver?

americanarbor December 2, 2022
Aspen trees are known for their beautiful trunks and magnificent foliage, and it’s no wonder that many people consider adding them to their home landscapes. However, before you head out to your nearest nursery, it’s important to learn about an aspen’s needs, so you can determine whether it will thrive in your unique yard, soil, […]

Denver Tree Care Encyclopedia: The Colorado Blue Spruce

americanarbor November 18, 2022
The Colorado Blue Spruce can be found in home landscapes across the state, and its majestic blue-green hue makes it stand out among other, less showy trees. Known for its exceptional beauty, this common landscaping tree is worth learning about and caring for — especially since it’s Colorado’s official state tree. Let’s learn about the […]

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