The Importance of Tree and Shrub Pruning in Denver During Early Spring
americanarbor January 27, 2017

The practice of pruning is integral to tree and shrub health, as we all are aware, but it is especially important for newly planted trees. To ensure your trees and shrubs in Denver maintain their optimal health as they develop and form, make sure you are following a regular pruning schedule to shape the growth into a healthy spread of branches and a wide-reaching breadth of the tree overall. When you keep a tree properly pruned, the structure of the tree is strengthened overall, making winter storms less likely to cause breakage of branches and fallen parts.

Best Practices for Pruning Ornamental or Fruit Trees

For fruit and ornamental trees in the Denver area, pruning branches aids in allowing the flowers and fruits to develop in the strongest and, if we may say, most fruitful areas of the tree and force the growth of some of the new sprouts to the areas you want. It also helps to ensure the fruit and flowers do not get overcrowded in any particular area, as it typically enhances visibility of the branches, thus allowing for more of the sun’s nutrients to reach all of the leaves. Use the resources available to you through your local Denver tree service to determine your pruning needs before spring is over. This will ensure your trees produce the best fruit possible during the season.

When Should You Schedule Pruning?

Early spring is the perfect time to take care of pruning your ornamental or fruit trees and shrubs. Why is this the optimal time? Generally, new growth of foliage has yet to begin on trees or shrubs, and this allows your tree service to see all of the branches clearly and more accurately determine how much pruning should occur. Another major reason for taking care of this task in the early spring months is of course, the weather. When trees are less likely to undergo a freeze in subzero temperatures, they are less likely to experience damage from a freeze. The warmer weather also helps encourage new growth after pruning.

Get the Best Results

Consider the time of year your tree or shrub flowers – the professionals will guide you in the right direction, but it is important that you do not prune directly before your tree flowers. If your tree normally produces flowers during the summer months, then spring pruning will be a perfect practice.

Winter Pruning Discount Available Until March 31st!

We encourage the proper management of ornamental or fruit trees and shrubs. During the months of January through March 31st, American Arbor Care offers our 10% winter pruning discount. Take advantage of this offer and schedule your pruning services during the early spring months of late February and March and make sure you have the best flowers and fruit at your disposal this summer! Apply this discount to all your trees and plants which may need pruning and start out your season with savings. Call the team at American Arbor Care at 303-639-8584 to learn more or to get your needed maintenance scheduled.

Treatment for Winter Desiccation Damage from Your Denver Tree Service
americanarbor January 20, 2017

Are you keeping your trees as healthy as they should be? Most of the time, treatment is a routine thing instead of a one-time operation, so make sure you are keeping up with your recommended services or treatments as instructed by your local Denver tree service. One treatment which should not be ignored is anti-transpirant sprays. During the winter, winter desiccation damage can have a very harmful effect on your broadleaf evergreens and upright junipers/arborvitaes, so it is important to ensure they are being treated once per month for prevention.

Understanding Winter Desiccation Damage

How do you know if your tree is already experiencing winter desiccation damage? Moisture is the main issue for this type of problem, and generally you can find out if your tree is being hydrated properly by measuring the moisture in the soil. Dry soil typically equals no water for your tree’s roots to absorb and this begins to show itself in your tree’s needles or leaves. The climate has the most influence over this change – in Colorado, the sun is typically shining, which is perfect for enjoying the outdoors, but not so perfect for your trees if they are not on a regular watering schedule. The sun makes the leaves release some of their moisture to stay cool, and without moisture in the air, the trees will suffer overall due to lack of proper hydration.

If you see your leaves or needles beginning to get discolored, chances are they are experiencing winter desiccation damage. The leaves themselves also release some of the moisture out of them, which adds to the dehydration. One way to combat this is with the anti-transpirant sprays. They will coat the leaves and prevent them from releasing this moisture on sunny days.

When Should Anti-Transpirant Sprays Be Used?

The best time to use anti-transpirant sprays is when we are experiencing warm weather. It is important during the winter months when we do have cold snaps still on the horizon, to implement a regular monthly treatment of anti-transpirant sprays to your trees.

Be sure to check with the experts at American Arbor Care to make sure your trees are receiving proper treatment, on a regular schedule to maintain their health and vitality. If you aren’t sure if your tree is experiencing these issues, it is best to let the professionals assess the situation and determine the best method for either prevention or treatment. You can learn more about winter desiccation damage and how to combat it on our blog. Learn about other winter treatments and things to look out for, like snow mold, and how to check to see if that is something you need to address.

To our current clients, we will be sending out our 2017 Proposals at the end of this month (January) and the beginning of February, so make sure to keep an eye out for those! If you have any questions or want to speak to us about additional treatments and services, please call the American Arbor Care team at 303-639-8584.

How To Manage Snow Mold in Denver Lawns
Dev Team January 13, 2017

In Denver, lawn care in the winter seems like an unnecessary task, which in part it is – when there is snow on the ground, there is not much you can do to care for your lawn. However, there are some important things to know about to ensure your lawn does not have hidden damage which could be treated or avoided. One thing to look for is snow mold.

Generally, when the snow hits and for the time surrounding the snowstorm, the temperature is cold enough to prevent bacteria from forming. But once the snow has been on the ground, the temperature in Denver tends to rise again above freezing. Although that is great for the residents of our city, it is also prime time for snow mold to form on your turf. The main culprits of snow mold are usually snow buildup which lasts for a prolonged period of time (weeks) or ice buildup on grasses. At just above freezing temperatures, snow mold is most likely to form.

How Do You Check for Snow Mold?

In between snowfall and especially after snow has mostly melted, homeowners can begin checking for snow mold. Removing excess snow and patches of ice from your lawn is the first step – then inspect your grass for matted areas with a gray or pink colored patch or area. If you find either of these types of bacteria growing on your grass, take the necessary steps to help your lawn recover from snow mold.

Steps to Recover from Snow Mold

Scoop or shovel snow off your grass and onto an area which gets more sunlight. Chances are, this area is in the shade which is why the snow remained when the weather warmed. Use a rake on the affected areas to help get more oxygen into the soil and allow for any new growth to sprout through. Anything which has been damaged or is dying should be removed from the area. Snow mold prevents direct sunlight from feeding the grass, so it is important to address it before it becomes a bigger issue.

Other Winter Lawn Issues to Watch Out For:

Spider mites can cause a lot of trouble in winter – especially when we experience dry spells in between snowfall and higher temperatures They feed on the grass roots and can kill patches of grass if not managed. One way to prevent mites from infiltrating your lawn is to make sure it is kept moist. On warmer days, prevent soil from getting too dry with a light watering or have your local lawn care experts in Denver come assess the situation and spray a preventative treatment over the whole area.

Not sure what to do next? Just call our team at American Arbor Care to help you figure out your next steps. With over 20 years in working in the industry here in Denver, we are well equipped and experienced to handle any issue you encounter. Call us today to get some more information or contact us now to schedule an appointment.

The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Snowstorms and How They Impact Your Denver Landscape
americanarbor January 6, 2017

There are obvious benefits to snowstorms in Denver – including the most apparent, snow days! But often the snow is not heavy enough to warrant a snow day, but not light enough to not have to deal with it properly. This is the case with our most recent snow that is currently resting on our Denver landscape. Residents know the drill, make sure to sweep or shovel the snow while it is still powder, and usually take precautions like spreading de-icing salt to ensure your pathways don’t become treacherous. It is important to understand the added benefits of a snowstorm and also the detrimental impact it may have on your plants and trees.

De-Icing Salt Damage

We have gone into detail about de-icing damage and prevention for our Denver landscape previously, but it is important to be conscious of your salt application any time it snows. As the snow melts, the sodium chloride will dissolve in the water and runoff, which can greatly affect the plants and trees nearby as the salt is absorbed in the soil. To prevent this in the future, you can limit the area in which you apply the salt, set up a barrier between the soil and the water runoff, or use an alternative like a calcium chloride instead of rock salt containing urea.

How the Moisture Content Changes

When snow falls, it affects the overall moisture content in the air. As the flakes fall from the sky, they gather the moisture in the air and are able to stay in the snow state instead of melting immediately. This can also only happen when the temperatures are below freezing to allow them to stay in the crystallized form instead of melting when they hit the ground. The snow will take moisture from the air, and it makes for a drier, crisper atmosphere with less water for plants and trees. Evergreens, for example will release the moisture through their needles. Tree and plant health can be maintained by properly preparing your landscape for the snow. Mulch can insulate the existing soil’s moisture and keep the tree or plant well hydrated.

Snow’s Insulating Properties

After the snow falls, it will have an effect on your plants. It will naturally act as insulation, and can be very beneficial in preventing the plants freezing. The trouble usually comes when your plants go through cycles of freezing and then thawing multiple times during the season. Another benefit of the snow after it acts as an insulator is what happens when the temperatures begin to rise. As the snow melts, it will rehydrate the plants and soil, but homeowners should be conscious of how much snow is melting and the position of the snow. You want to avoid over-saturation and the snow creating pools of water in your landscape.

Not sure how the snow is affecting your landscape? Let the team at American Arbor Care be your guide. We can offer the best suggestions, advice, and knowledge to help you better maintain a healthy landscape. Call our team today to learn more or to get your spring maintenance schedule ahead of time!

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